阮小明ruan xiaoming
中非民间商会副会长、宝石新集团董事长 vice chairman of china-africa business council chairman of gemsy new group 行业: 制造业 sector: manufacturing |
gemsy(宝石)商标荣获中国驰名商标,宝石牌缝纫机荣获中国名牌产品、中国出口名牌产品、国家免检产品、国家百家工业企业品牌培育示点企业、全国用户满意产品等称号,宝石品牌荣登“中国最具竞争力品牌50强”第七位。 宝石新集团多项拥有自主知识产权的产品获得国家发明专利,并多次主持、参与行业标准的制订工作,曾与国家质监部门共同合作建立了现代化的质量监督机构——浙江省缝纫机质量检验中心,在海外设有29个分公司和办事处,全球营销网络健全,实行“宝石零距离服务”,产品销往100多个国家和地区,宝石一体机全国销量第一。 “以人品制造精品”是宝石过去、现在、将来不变的追求。宝石积极承担社会责任、回馈社会、把慈善变成一种习惯和实际行动,至今,宝石捐资公益事业累计已超6000万元。
gemsy new group the gemsy new group trademark is a china well-known trademark. gemsy is awarded china famous brand product, china famousbrand export product, exemption from quality inspection, top 100 industrial enterprise brand cultivation pilot enterprise, and national customer satisfaction product. the gemsy brand ranks 7th in the 50 most competitive brands in china. one model of gemsy’s sewing machines is a best seller in china. gemsy new group owns many independent intellectual property rights products granted national patent. the group frequently participates in setting industry standards, and has co-established the zhejiang province sewing machine quality inspection center. with 29 overseas branches, the group boasts a comprehensive global sales and service network, selling products to more than 100 countries and regions.